CCYP @ Finger Lakes House – Review
On Jan, 26th CCYP hosted a networking event featuring professional photographer Sarah Flenders. The event was well atten...
“Your Network is your Net Worth.” There are a variety of approaches to professional development including; consultation, coaching, communities of practice, lesson study, mentoring, and more.
As Leaders we must intentionally leverage our innovation, culture and creativity to serve our community’s best interests. Together we are a force for change, growth and transformation in a way that also builds character and quality of place.
CCYP members work together to make a difference in the community. Civic engagement entails communities working together in both political and non-political actions.
On Jan, 26th CCYP hosted a networking event featuring professional photographer Sarah Flenders. The event was well atten...
Elmira will receive $10 million to revitalize downtown as part of an upstate economic development program, Lt. Gov. Kath...